College Update

We have had the blessed privilege of watching these little girls into godly young women. This picture was taken at the beginning of their first year of college. (The young man is now attending school here in America!)

It is unheard of for orphan girls born in one of the poorest nations of the world to go to college here in Sierra Leone, but God made a way through many faithful Komeo supporters. Some of these ladies are now about to graduate. Sarah, Martha, Agnes, Lydia and Anna are all about to receive their 4 year degree!

We’ve also had three young adults pursue theology school starting in 2015. Today, the young ladies, Rebecca and Joyce, have graduated with 4-year degrees, and Shero will graduate this December. Joyce was immediately hired as a professor at the university she attended! Please continue to pray for these precious ones as they become pastors, teachers, and leaders who are not afraid to share the gospel boldly in their country!

Currently, 43 of the kids at the orphanages are pursuing University, but only about 1/4th of them have sponsors who are committed to paying for their full college needs or a portion of their needs. This means we take a huge leap of faith every semester and ask God to fill the gap — and He has done it every time! We have watched Jesus rain manna from heaven for these precious ones for 10 years. He did not bring them this far to leave them here.

If you would like to help give these kids a chance at being able to not only support themselves, but to help transform their country through the spreading of the gospel, consider setting up a recurring tax-deductible donation.

Compared to America, tuition costs in Sierra Leone are pretty cheap. It works out to about $45 a week for one of the young adults to attend. If you aren’t able to fully sponsor a college student ($190 a month, or $2300 a year), you can give a single donation of $49 to pay for a week of school. Every little bit goes a long, long way!

If you have any questions about the college program or about how to sponsor one of our college students, call 405.659.6802. Thank you so much!


The Impact of Sponsorship


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